On the same day that Republicans in Congress were embarrassing themselves with a woefully ill-prepared and ill-considered interrogation of Planned Parenthood’s President Cecile Richards, supporters all over the country gathered in groups large and small to show their support for the women’s health organization. In Rhode Island, about 30 supporters gathered at the State House to express solidarity for both Planned Parenthood and a woman’s right to choose.
The rally was organized by Jessan Dunn Otis, who spoke about how important Planned Parenthood has been in her life. RI State Senator Gayle Goldin briefly attended.
Below you will find video of women speaking about the importance of Planned Parenthood in their lives and for women’s health, followed by some comments by James Rhodes, director of public policy & government relations at Planned Parenthood Southern New England. Lastly, I included the men who spoke at that rally.

James Rhodes

Gayle Goldin